We have a special easter event for you.
We have hidden easter eggs on the interactive Lyboria map.
Here is the link to the map - link
How you can find them? Each one of us (Alex, Nico & Nicole) has prepared a riddle for you guys. Every riddle leads you to one or more easter eggs.
Only the person who solves the riddle first wins the price. If you solved one of the riddles first you won but you are out of the contest. It is not possible to win multiple times.
Who can participate? It’s for all members who have registered on our website.
When does the event start? The event starts NOW and ends on the 5th of April at 6:00 PM CET. How does it work? You have to go to the tavern on our website https://www.glimpse-luna.com/tavern Under the Category “Community Events” you will find all 3 riddles. As soon as you solved the riddle write the code-word or right answer in the comment section of the respective thread. All further information can be found in the riddles. What are the prices? We are giving away Guild T-shirts !
Now, let’s start with the egg-hunt.
We wish you good luck and we are looking forward to announce the winners.