I am surprised there is no thread about balance discussions on going in the tavern so lets fire up.
Based on games i played, I will propose some nerfs on cards that are problematic for me. For problematic, I mean cards that are far better than the category they belong into.
Alnarasz : Ok it is a big dragon but it really outclass any other heroes in the game by having mobility and the AOE which can totally fuck up games when board is full.
AOE ability removed and changed by either a 2 damage cleave (damages units adjacent to Alnarasz instead of adjacent to target) or a deals 3 damages to the unit behind your target (to match the dragon breath piercing through enemy)
Jathazi : Please no 4 damages 3M warriors, Exodus was nerfed for it and Jathazi should be same.
Attack 4 --> 3
Jiro : This guy is a pioneer for 1 moral.
Limited to 1/deck (also perhaps reduce attack from 5 to 4)
Juvo : Naphas should be slow and have limited access to 3M guys which is not the case today.
Move 3 --> 2
Nordur :
Fabyor : who don t like the funny high attack Nordur warriors? Well everyone except Nordur players.
+1 attack to warriors --> +1 attack to melee warriors
Lorik : Because killing anything from 3range along with the other 3range Nordur is a bit too much.
Attack 8-->6. Gain ability deals 2 damages to the unit behind target (He uses a balista he deserves some piercing damages)
Qessa : Same as Fabyor.
+1 attack to warriors --> +1 attack to marskmen warriors
Metallos/Lithana : the fellowship is not even a constraint and turns them into Master power level.
Metallos --> Becomes a 5/6/1/1 with ability bequest, Lithana gains +2 attack
Lithana --> Becomes a 6/5/1/1 with ability bequest, Metallos gains +2 HP
I would love to see, that in future all races will be more specific. It would be great, that every race would have what is just theyrs, what is making them diffrent in terms of some abilities, some mechanics. What should it be, its more about developers vision for every nation...
Ohh boy such nice thread here! I'm very happy to see a discussion like this. I hold dearly the memory when Alnarasz was just a meme... Those were the good old days
Jathazi (warrior) being able to contest Kele (master) is exactly why he is too powerful. Naphas shouldn t have the same agile warriors are other factions otherwise they have no weaknesses. They can be as fast as Nordur/Arachnids while being tankier. Naphas should have very limited 3M units and should rely more on 1M/2M and anticipation in positioning to counter agile decks.
Naphas Alnarasz is for sure a top tier hero, but i am not sure if he is ready for a nerf yet. for now i would not change him, but keep an eye on how he keeps performing and if a future change is needed.
jathazi i think does not deserve a nerf in the damage department, sure he is strong warrior, but naphas are limited in the movement and to give them one agile warrior that can do some work is not a problem in my eyes. if i would want to nerf him, i would reduce the defense, since the 3 he can get with arsok are sometimes hard to get through. with the upcoming leader adjustments i dont think its a good time to touch him.
jiro i can see getting a nerf on your list the most, he is very threatening. 6 dmg is alot and 3 defense is also really solid, but once again with the leader changes yadada... would wait for that patch.
juvo i really dont think needs a nerf, as maddy mentioned. i agree with him.
besides the nerfs i could also see some buffs instead.
ruutik could see some love. not sure what i would change about him, maybe just more time stealing. 90 instead of 60 seconds.
blancaras changes made her weaker but the stats did not get an adjustment, and as other also suggested i could see her defense go up by 1 or 2
brux is lacking. 5/8 with the fellowship is not terrible but i think he deserves one more defense.
fabyor: wiat for leader changes. right now he is strong but will get changed anyways so i wont bother thinking about potential nerfs i could come up with.
lorik: i like your piercing mechanic and it could fit him very well so i approve.
changes for nordur i would like to see that some pioneers are a bit more unique. bjrn, janis, konrad, cyrill are all very similar so some kind of combat effect on or 2 of the cards could be really nice to see.
qessa same as fabyor i would wait for what the devs have in mind
they have some really powerful stuff
i like your methallos lithana change if they get to keep their fellowship wich was not super clear to me in your post.
only thing i can see is if alanarasz would end up getting i hit i would also take a look at nuka, since she is pretty much outclassing other heroes.
not played enough to give any suggestions of buffing. maybe only asaki, but could also just be that nobody really knows how to use him and a buff would make him busted.
I know i am a relatively new player but ks and others have teached me some important things which i am willing to share here, i only played naphas so i will only talk about them because i got even less expirience with the others. Reducing jathazi to a from 4 attack to 3 attack seems tempting in other matchups but then you remove the ability from naphas to pressure kele which puts them in a lot worse matchup and also removes agressive play at all with your hero if they got some viho's alongside with kele reducing naphas to a purely defensive playstyle. Reducing Juvo to a 2 move makes him pretty underwellming, i know he can be anoying with the 3 move but its litterly his only selling point to take him, changing that would make him way more useless. Jiro is pretty strong i agree on that but you only got 2 of them to worry about and they arent high hp ether removing one attack i could maybe see happening but i believe the devs entire point of them been so high is to give the naphas acces to some cards that can trade higher like the cards with the PowerAttack ability. Alnarasz is a strong but fragile hero, if you can make the trade not worth it for him you dont have to worry as much about him flying in or you can endanger him with some of your own strong units making it so he cant do his thing. This is just my own opinnion as a new player so things might not be as correct but i still wanted to share my opinnion about the naphas changes, and Alnarasz's part is not as detailed yet because i have yet to face him as an other faction so couldnt comment much there. I am also of the oppinnion to buf the counterplay cards rather than nerf the cards themself.